Glorifying God through Word, Worship & Service.
Dear Parents,
Your child must be enrolled in a parish or regional Faith Formation program before and during Sacramental Preparation. Please take a look at the Sunday Faith Formation schedule for the upcoming year. Put these dates on your calendar and make them the priority that Faith Formation deserves. Regular attendance is important for your child. A First Communion Parent In-Service will take place on the last Sunday in September while your child is in Sunday Faith Formation class. We look forward to fostering growth in you and your child's faith life.
The ultimate standard for receiving the Sacraments is the readiness and willingness of the recipient. Diocesan Policies encourages students to participate in Faith Formation one full year before starting Sacramental Preparation for Reconciliation, Communion, and Confirmation. This is the minimum required, it should be your expectation that your child attend Faith Formation every year from preschool through high school graduation and beyond!
Sacramental Preparation sessions are seperate from regular Faith Formation classes. At St. James Parish we hold the Reconciliation sessions in October of each year, and Communion sessions in April of each year. Reconciliation is to precede Communion. Preparation involves parents, other family members, and the whole parish community.
Please consider attending an Adult Faith Formation session or the RCIA program here at St. James. We will do our best to help you pass on your faith to your children, but you are your child's primary catechist. The faith lived at home will be what they develop. We want to affirm you in this important task, and assure you that we are on your team. Let us know how we may best help.
St. James Parish invites children as they reach the age of reason (about 7) to join with the parish community in receiving God's loving mercy and grace through the gift of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist!